Wednesday, June 11, 2014

God's Whispers On My Heart

For the past 2 years, I have had a silent longing, a calling, a beckoning, a yearning to try something out of the normal with my children, to try Home Schooling. For 2 years I pushed urge down, silencing it, embracing our local public school system whole heartedly, loving our teachers and even becoming the PTO President last year. We have been blessed to live in a community that is filled with Christian Values and teachers that instill a love for Christ even in our Public School System. My decision and my inherent need to Home School has nothing to do with the education or value system that our Public School provides. It has to do with the with the constant whisper on my heart that has turned from a soft calling to more of a shouting at me recently!

This is a huge undertaking and I realize the fate of my 4 children is in my hands. I am currently reading through the various Education Techniques/ Styles and determining which style will best suit the learners in our home. I am most interested in the Charlotte Mason Technique which embraces both Classical Education as well as non- traditional hands on methods for learning.